
WORK WITH Caroline

Individual therapy

Self-discovery is a unique journey that we all take. Our experiences, intersectional identities and environments are constantly shaping who we are. This can be an exciting and challenging time to engage in a reflective process that naturally arises at this time.

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Sessions are provided online

Couples Therapy

Inevitably, past romantic relationships, relationships with family, and external circumstances influence how we show up in our relationships. Having a space to work through this can create the opportunity to develop the relationship you and your partner are needing.

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Family Therapy

Taking a look at the family dynamics currently in place can inform us of the changes that we are seeking. Family therapy can serve as a space to develop the communication skills needed to address challenging topics.

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The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.
— Nathaniel Branden

My Approach

I utilize a combination of an attachment-based framework, psychodynamic, strength-based, and multicultural approach. This entails exploring how your early childhood experiences influence how you interact with friends, family, and romantic partners. This exploration will allow you the ability to identify the patterns of communication you currently use when expressing your feelings and needs. This awareness will provide you the choice to determine the patterns you want to keep, as well as the healthy patterns that you want to create. I provide a non-judgmental space to begin this journey of an honest self-examination process.

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